Have you ever heard the words: “the talk”. How about a phrase that includes: “the birds and the bees”? Most of us have had that talk, or have suffered through a health class that consisted of a droning lecturer and a snickering class. So, if you’re here looking for a refresher, we’ve got you covered….
How You Work: The Endocrine System
Have you ever heard of the endocrine system? I hadn’t before researching “the systems of the human body”! After looking into it, though, I come to find out some of the coolest things about us are within this system – as well as a few things I’m personally interested in. The goal of this series…
How You Work: The Urinary System
Alright, let’s talk about something that might make a few of us a little uncomfortable: How does the urinary system work? My hope is, with this series, to teach general knowledge on health in how the body works. With any luck, you’ll walk away from these articles having learned more about yourself and having gained…
How You Work: The Digestive System
The digestive system is one of the cooler bodily systems. Its main role is literally to break down food into smaller, usable nutrients that the body can use for its many functions. It’s almost like this system is a cultivator or filter that then gives all its produce to the rest of the body. So……
How You Work: Respiratory System
The term “respiratory system” gets thrown around a lot, I think. The term generally gets attributed to anything that has to do with the lungs; while that’s true, the respiratory system does have to do with the lungs, it’s generalized so drastically and so often that it’s hard to tell those who know what they’re…
How You Work: The Cardiovascular System
You know that blood-pumper in your chest that makes you feel things? Some people call it a “heart” but that just sounds like crazy people talking crazy… I just looked it up: turns out it is called a heart, and there’s a whole bodily system surrounding it?! Actually, this “cardiovascular system” is pretty cool! Let…
How You Work: The Skeletal System
Hey, I’ve got a bone to pick with you! It’s about the skeletal system! How do you have a whole skeleton inside of you and don’t know as much about it as you ought to? Well, no matter, we’ll remedy that here, so let’s get right into it! Bones? You Mean Those Things I Buy…
Don’t Be So Salty – Watch Your Sodium Intake
I think it’s safe to say: humans eat a lot of salt. It perforates our diets in almost every single thing we eat or drink – salt is the ever-present ingredient. You never really hear people saying “I’m going to go on a sodium diet, because what then would they eat? water? Even then, water…
What Health Insurance Should I Get?
Health insurance is a big question mark for a lot of us. Whether you have it or you don’t, it’s not very clear as to what’s going on, when you will truly be insured by a company, and which company you should throw your lot in with. In this article, I’m going to go through…
Here’s Why Being Educated On Health Is So Important!
No matter who you are or where you’re from, health is important to us all. No one is out there going “You know what I have TOO much of? Good health…” Until I was well out of high school, I didn’t really know much about health at all. Yes, I know what a nucleus is,…