So much talk these days has to do with the subject of depression – and rightly so.
Studies show that at least 21% of adults in the US experience a mental health condition. That, to me, is crazy! It means that almost 70 million people experience mental health conditions.
How Has Depression Become Such A Problem?
The conclusion I’ve come to through my research is that the largest causes of depression stem from culture.
Researchers conducted studies on urban and suburban communities in 2020 and 2021. The researcher aimed to find the levels of depression in each type of community and find out why. Their findings were certainly astonishing.
A study found that mental health conditions, including depression or suicidal tendencies, increased by over 60% in suburban communities. Their reasons were as follows:
- Solitary lifestyle
- Financial instability
- Dying agricultural community
Humans were not meant to be alone. We weren’t meant to be worried about whether the roof over our heads was going to be taken away. We’re not meant to be separated from nature or eat extremely processed foods as a main part of our diets. The reason it is the case that we have this reality is due largely to the factor of our culture.
It’s Not Just From One Source
The more society becomes isolated (via technology, by shaming others into keeping large parts of themselves dormant, or by some other means) the more depression has room to grow.
obviously, the colder of an eye we aim toward our neighbors, the more depression has room to grow.
Therefor we must care for each other more, allowing ourselves to give more than we receive, to look out for the interests of others, taking them by the hand, and letting them know they are not alone.
There are institutions for treating clinical depression and medications we can take, but what would it be like if we nipped the problem in the bud? The studies are proving, the colder we are, the more isolated we are, the worse we feel, the worse we are.